Wednesday 17 December 2008

Fashion Bound

Just like with anything, this blog needs a beginning, a why am i here, a what is the purpose, otherwise what is the point right? So this post is here as a pre-requisite to the start of what i hope will be a regularly updated affair regarding all the things that make up the varying degree's of my life without making it into a record of self deprecation and melodrama. So here goes.......

I'm 22 and I'm a first year Fashion Styling (Hair and Make-up) student studying at Solent university in England. I like to incorporate all aspects of what makes me who i am into my work and that will be the case with this blog. I just wanted somewhere to talk about anything from the music I'm listening to, the designers who are inspiring me at this moment in time, photoshoots I've seen or been involved with, basically anything that i relate to myself in fashion. Their are so many other blogs out there doing the same thing so I'm not trying to change the face of things, but would love it if i can share on going projects that i am currently working on with the rest of you and vice versa.

I'm all about collaboration. Whether it be me mixing up the different things around me to create something new, or if it were to be the collaboration of different people on a sole project. The meeting of minds.

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